Portfolio Management Services

Embarking on the journey of profound wealth growth

Welcome to the realm of Portfolio Management System (PMS), where astute investors from the High Net Worth (HNI) and Ultra High Net Worth (UHNI) segments seize the power to cultivate wealth through direct equity investments. In the dynamic landscape of equity investing, the Portfolio Advisory Services emerge as the beacon of tailored wealth creation.

Unlocking the Essence of PMS

At its core, PMS offers a structured haven for affluent investors to channel their resources into the world of direct equity. Devising a successful equity investment strategy requires relentless devotion – a commitment often at odds with the demanding schedules of investors. Enter PMS, designed to alleviate this concern by uniting seasoned fund managers with your financial aspirations.

A Closer Gaze into PMS

Elevate your financial journey through PMS, where investments are executed and managed by adept fund managers. These managers, well-versed in the complexities of the financial landscape, curate portfolios aligned with your objectives. With a regulatory framework upheld by SEBI, the PMS realm beckons the discerning investor to explore the pinnacle of equity investment.

Nurturing Your Portfolio with Precision

Client Profiling: Rooted in meticulous client engagement, our relationship managers orchestrate in-depth conversations to discern your aspirations and risk appetite. Our commitment to your interests forms the bedrock of this PMS journey.
Product Insight: Delve into an array of funds, each a masterpiece tailored to specific objectives. Kunvarji Wealth Solutions exclusively partners with well-managed funds to foster long-term wealth multiplication.
Agreement Establishment: A contractual agreement between you and the PMS provider solidifies the terms, investment goals, and risk assessment, underlining transparency and alignment.
Account Initiation: As the agreement takes shape, your investment account opens, embracing the regulatory documentation, including the Know Your Customer (KYC) requisites stipulated by SEBI.
Active Management: Envision a professional fund manager steering your portfolio through market ebbs and flows. Constant vigilance and informed decisions ensure optimal investment performance.
Reporting and Connection: Our relationship managers foster an ongoing rapport, diligently furnishing periodic reports on portfolio health, investment activities, and critical performance metrics.

PMS vs Mutual Funds – Decoding Distinct Facets

Parameter  Portfolio Management System  Mutual Funds 
Structure  Fund investing in direct stocks and actively managed portfolio  Funds from multiple investors are pooled to create portfolio managed by a fund manager 
Customization  Highly customized  Works on pre-defined investment mandate and restrictions 
Minimum Investment  INR 50 Lakhs  INR 500 for SIP 
Investor Ownership  Investor owns the underlying stock / security directly  Investor owns the Units of the Fund only 
Regulatory Purview  SEBI governed but relatively flexible  SEBI governed but highly regulated  
Transparency  Direct visibility on the stocks held in portfolio  Updates and disclosures on fund movements and NAV 
Fees  Higher and based on AUM invested or Fixed Fee  Charged as Expense Ratio covering administration, management fees, and other managerial costs 

Crafting Your PMS Odyssey at Kunvarji Wealth Solutions

Embark on a bespoke journey towards wealth multiplication with Kunvarji Wealth Solutions by your side. Whether it is Corporate or Individual Portfolio Management, our commitment to a well-diversified investment strategy, molded to your risk and return appetite, forges a path illuminated by expertise spanning decades.

Set Sail for PMS Excellence

Ready to elevate your financial endeavors? Click here to initiate a call, orchestrating a dialogue that shapes your financial tomorrow with Kunvarji Wealth Solutions. Empower your journey through the avenue of PMS, where stability meets growth in a symphony orchestrated by seasoned professionals.

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